Rights Inquiries
For any inquires regarding publishing rights, film/tv rights, or foreign rights please contact
All other messages should be sent to my personal email address. But please read the following FAQ’s first. Due to volume I am unable to respond to to all the emails I receive. And you might find the answer you are looking for already listed below:
Q - Does Matt have his own story? A - Matt's story is the whole Empire High series.
Q - But what about a story about Matt as an adult? A - Matt will be an adult in Book 4 of the Empire High series (which comes out in May). But as with all my series, they should be read in order. There will be significant spoilers in Book 4 if you don't read the first 3 books first.
Q - What are EHM and TSSP? A - EHM is book 4 of the Empire High series (coming out in May). And TSSP is a brand new series (coming out in August). I have not released what either of the initials stand for yet. But stay tuned.
Q - Where can I find the book Foundation? A - Foundation was renamed The Light to My Darkness. You can find it on Amazon here:
Q - What is the suggested reading order? A - Here is the recommended reading order >
If your answer isn’t listed above, you can contact me at Or you can come hang out with me (and thousands of other readers!) in my facebook group. I’m in my facebook group every day and it’s the fastest way to reach me. And another reader may be able to answer your questions faster than I can :)