Ivy Smoak Book Club
If you had a crush on your professor, would you act on it?
Let’s reverse that – if you had a crush on someone a lot younger than you, would you act on it?
What do you think is the steamiest scene in the story?
Who’s your favorite secondary character – Dr. Clark, Ian, or Ellen?
James thinks he’s a terrible person to date. What’s the worst thing a boyfriend has ever done to you?
Do you think James puts too much pressure on himself?
Do you think part of the reason James ended up in Delaware is because of Brooklyn (from the Empire High series)?
Did you love how much James hated Tyler?
Did you just want to shake Penny when she kept jumping to conclusions about James?
Do you think James ever actually loved Isabella?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you want to punch Isabella in the face at the end?
Do you think James is addicted to Penny?
Are you freaking out to see what happens next?!
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